Classic Traveller at Bundle of Holding
To begin a deal you can find interesting: from the website Bundle of Holding offers the oportunity to acquire the classic line of the science-fiction game Traveller paying a very low price.
Desde el Sótano reaches its 117th edition
The online magazine Desde el Sótano reaches 117th edition with the following articles (Note: The magazine is writen in Spanish):
- Editorial: a word from the maker.
- Credits: Those who are behind this (and make it possible).
- Index
- Basement Answers: Questions from the fans and the best of our responses.
- The Voice: Conferences, meetings and events for the coming days and months.
- Basement exterior: Section with interesting news from the outside world.
- Bibliography: Far Cry 3: wild life in Rol Negro or how to take advantage of the experience of video games for our role-playing sessions.
- Systems: Tácnor star system. A new star system to be used in your gaming sessions of Exo. It is in the Liberty sector, it is fente de vardo (the meat that feeds the galaxy) and the site were the adventure of this issue takes place.
- Characters: Brankor «The one who watches the horizon». Head of the Boron hunting party at Vardial service, named the Master (Exo).
- Characters: Chaskat «Dirty hands». Boron engineer of Brankor's haunting party, not a very ambitious hunter, but with a truly hability with machines (Exo).
- Characters: Gruchat. Young Boron going with Brankor that hasn't earned his nickname yet (Exo).
- Characters: Mirukas «the one hunting with animals». A Boron that truly likes the likeable Boron hunting beasts (Exo).
- Economy: Legal fees. If you are interested to hire a lawyer in Cunia take a glance at market prices (Rol Negro).
- Aids: Creating a Terror System for Rol Negro. If you want your characters to visit haunted houses, paranormal phenomena or other things add this easy rules to Rol Negro...
- Flora: Blowing palm (Pangea)
- Ships: Ayala Corbette Class. A ship recently coming out of the shipyards of Sheller People paying tribute to the RFP president (Exo)
- Navies: Sen Toku (I-400 class). Japanese submarine carrier. Discovering its secrets it's worthy of a Comados session.
- Armor: Light sphere armor. The Ghar left the galaxy plenty of artifacts. This armor is one of the more sought (Exo).
- Chronology: The Great War, February 1914
- Runes: News of Pangea.
- The Truth: Cunia news of the day. February 2014.
- A.D.E.G. '70: Enteku I 3470. News of the Exo galaxy.
- Chronology: February 1809.
- Rol Negro: El asesinato del escritor. A car accident quickly becomes a murder. Who is the killer? A gelous writer? A vengeful publisher? Or the Latin mafia controlling the city's book stockists?.
- Exo: El templo de Melira. Characters travel to a mostly unknown system in the Liberty sector for an easy job and become embroiled in galactic plans.
- Sangrienta Siete: 1x03 - Oídos indiscretos. Synopsis of a new chapter in the series of Comandos.
- Lobo: 1x03 - Engaño en Torrentebravo. Synopsis of a new chapter in the series of Pangea.
& Magazine
You also can be interested in the free magazine & Magazine, specialized in contents for the first edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons already reaching its eighth issue.
100 Deluxe Dungeons by Chris Lee
Chris Lee is carrying out a patronage to offer 100 complete dungeons with maps, drawings and expanded descriptions.
Mote: Virtual tabletop
Another patronage you may find interesting is the one of Mote, a virtual Open Source tabletop.
Patreon: Dyson Logos
You also may find interesting those maps and adventures artist Dyson Logos is making available through the patronage of the Patreon platform.
Help for Christopher Helton
Blogger Christopher Helton, in charge of Dorkland!, needs your help to pay related expenses of his blog (bandwidth, etc.).
Interesting resources: Maps, role-playing theory, sounds...
To organize games and gaming sessions it's always interesting to know of useful resources like maps and prespective drawings by Doug Anderson that can be found in Blue Boxer Rebellion, advice to create games by Christian Kell in Kathedral and rules for guns by Goblin Punch that can be found in this link and this other one.
Star Wars - The Holo Xperience
And finishing this post I show you the Star Wars - The Holo Xperience fanfilm, made in Spain and with a surprise at the end, not at odds if you consider who was the host of the series Standby: Lights, Camera, Action:
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Castellano Català
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