
domingo, 22 de enero de 2023

Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro y la nueva OGL: ¿fin de una era?

Durante estos últimos días se ha desencadenado una tormenta en los entornos lúdicos especializados en los juegos de rol debido a la filtración del texto de la Open Gaming License (OGL) 1.1 que Wizards of the Coast (propiedad de la compañía Hasbro) pensaba implementar a principios de este año.

En la entrada de hoy os explicaré como se ha desarrollado todo este drama y analizaré como puede afectar al hobby que tanto amamos, así que sentaos, coged unas palomitas y empecemos...

Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro i la nova OGL: fí d'una era?

Aquests darrers dies ha esclatat una tempesta en els entorns lúdics especialitzats en els jocs de rol degut a la filtració del text de la Open Gaming License (OGL) 1.1 que Wizards of the Coast (propietat de la companyia Hasbro) pensava implementar a principis d'enguany.

A l'entrada d'avui us explicaré com s'ha desenvolupat tot aquest drama i analitzaré com pot afectar al hobby que tant estimem, així que seieu, agafeu unes crispetes i comencem...

Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro and the new OGL: the end of an age?

During these last few days a storm has broken out in roleplaying specialized ludic environments due to the leak of the text of the Open Gaming License (OGL) 1.1 which Wizards of the Coast (owned by Hasbro) planned to deploy at the beginning of the year.

In today's post I will talk about how all this drama unfolded and I will analyze how it can affect the hobby we all love, so take a seat, grab some popcorn and let's begin...

viernes, 13 de enero de 2023

Volviendo al blog (otra vez)

La Carga de los Rohirrim
La Carga de los Rohirrim

Aragorn abriendo las puertas del palacio de Edoras
Aragorn abriendo las puertas del palacio de Edoras

Hola a todos, después de unos cuantos meses (¡demasiados!) vuelvo a escribir en el blog.

Publiqué la última entrada el pasado 24 de agosto (hace unos 4 meses más o menos) y durante este tiempo han sucedido varias cosas:

Por una parte he estado ocupado con asuntos personales y de estudios durante buena parte de este tiempo (y que espero me sean de utilidad), por otra he decidido no seguir usando Twitter después que Elon Musk aterrizase en la plataforma y empezase a desmontarlo todo (podéis seguir las noticias al respecto en Reuters, Mashable y NewsNow por ejemplo). Mantendré mi cuenta allí para evitar que pueda ser usada por otros pero no va a haber mucha actividad en ella.

En lugar de Twitter estoy usando Mastodon, una alternativa del Fediverso que usa el protocolo ActivityPub del World Wide Web Consortium, que con el paso de los meses ha crecido en número de usuarios (podéis ver la progresión siguiendo este enlace sobre las instancias).

La instancia que he escogido es Mastorol.es, si queréis más información sobre Mastodon, su funcionamiento y un listado actualizado de instancias podéis consultar los siguientes enlaces:

Por lo que respecta a las series y entradas que estaban en curso espero retomarlas lo antes posible, aunque antes prepararé una entrada dedicada a la OGL 1.1 con la que Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro pretende emular al Señor Oscuro Sauron...

But they where, all of them, deceived, for another License was made. In the Land of Seattle, in the headquarters of WOTC, the Dark Lord Hasbro forged in secret a master License to control all others. And into this License he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One License to rule them all.
But they where, all of them, deceived,
for another License was made.
In the Land of Seattle, in the headquarters of WOTC,
the Dark Lord Hasbro forged in secret a master License
to control all others. And into this License he poured his cruelty,
his malice and his will to dominate all life.
One License to rule them all.

OGL 1.1 OneD&D ...To Rule Them All, OneD&D To Find Them, OneD&D To Bring Them All And In The Darkness Bind Them.
OGL 1.1
...To Rule Them All,
OneD&D To Find Them,
OneD&D To Bring Them All
And In The Darkness Bind Them.

Esta entrada también está disponible en los siguientes idiomas:
Català English

Tornant al blog (un altre cop)

La Càrrega dels Rohirrim
La Càrrega dels Rohirrim

Aragorn obrint les portes del palau d'Edoras
Aragorn obrint les portes del palau d'Edoras

Hola a tothom, després d'uns quants mesos (massa!) torno a escriure al blog.

Vaig publicar l'última entrada el passat 24 d'agost (fa uns 4 mesos més o menys) i durant aquest temps han passat varies coses:

Per una banda he estat ocupat amb asumptes personals i d'estudis durant bona part d'quest temps (i que espero que em siguin d'utilitat), per una altra he decidit no seguir usant Twitter després que Elon Musk aterrés a la plataforma i comencés a desmontar-ho tot (podeu seguir les noticies al respecte a Reuters, Mashable i NewsNow per exemple). Mantindré el meu compte allí per evitar que pugui ser usat per altres però no hi haurà molta activitat.

En comptes de Twitter estic usant Mastodon, una alternativa del Fedivers que usa el protocol ActivityPub del World Wide Web Consortium, que amb el pas dels mesos ha crescut en nombre d'usuaris (podeu veure la progressió seguint aquest enllaç sobre les instàncies).

La instància que he escollit és Mastorol.es, si voleu més informació sobre Mastodon, el seu funcionament i un llistat actualitzat d'instàncies podeu consultar els següents enllaços:

Pel que fa a les sèries i entrades que estaven en curs espero poder reprendre-les el més avit possible, tot i que abans prepararé una entrada dedicada a la OGL 1.1 amb la que Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro pretén emular al Senyor Fosc Sauron...

But they where, all of them, deceived, for another License was made. In the Land of Seattle, in the headquarters of WOTC, the Dark Lord Hasbro forged in secret a master License to control all others. And into this License he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One License to rule them all.
But they where, all of them, deceived,
for another License was made.
In the Land of Seattle, in the headquarters of WOTC,
the Dark Lord Hasbro forged in secret a master License
to control all others. And into this License he poured his cruelty,
his malice and his will to dominate all life.
One License to rule them all.

OGL 1.1 OneD&D ...To Rule Them All, OneD&D To Find Them, OneD&D To Bring Them All And In The Darkness Bind Them.
OGL 1.1
...To Rule Them All,
OneD&D To Find Them,
OneD&D To Bring Them All
And In The Darkness Bind Them.

Aquesta entrada tambè està disponible en els següents idiomes:
Castellano English

Returning to the blog (again)

Charge of the Rohirrim
Charge of the Rohirrim

Aragorn opening the doors of the palace at Edoras
Aragorn opening the doors of the palace at Edoras

Hello everybody, after some months (too many!) I come back to write in the blog.

I published the last post on August 24th (more or less 4 months ago) and during this time had happened many things:

On one hand I had been busy with personal and study matters during much of the time (and I hope these will be useful), for the other I've decided to not longer use Twitter after Elon Musk landing in the platform and began dismantling it (you may follow news about these in Reuters, Mashable and NewsNow for example). I will maintain my account there to avoid it to be used by others but there won't be many activity there.

Instead of Twitter I'm using Mastodon, an alternative of the Fediverse using the ActivityPub protocol by World Wide Web Consortium, which with the passing months have grown in number of users (you may follow the progression following this link about the instances).

The instance I have chosen is Mastorol.es, if you want more information about Mastodon, its workings and an up-to-date list of instances you may check the following links:

As for current series and posts I hope to resume them as soon as possible, although I will prepare a post about OGL 1.1 with which Wizards of the Coast pretends to emulate Dark Lord Sauron...

But they where, all of them, deceived, for another License was made. In the Land of Seattle, in the headquarters of WOTC, the Dark Lord Hasbro forged in secret a master License to control all others. And into this License he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One License to rule them all.
But they where, all of them, deceived,
for another License was made.
In the Land of Seattle, in the headquarters of WOTC,
the Dark Lord Hasbro forged in secret a master License
to control all others. And into this License he poured his cruelty,
his malice and his will to dominate all life.
One License to rule them all.

OGL 1.1 OneD&D ...To Rule Them All, OneD&D To Find Them, OneD&D To Bring Them All And In The Darkness Bind Them.
OGL 1.1
...To Rule Them All,
OneD&D To Find Them,
OneD&D To Bring Them All
And In The Darkness Bind Them.

This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català