Nosolorol solidarity initiative

From Nosolorol Ediciones comes an interesting gesture to unemployed role-playing gamers (this is an initiative for Spain only, do you know of an initiative akin to this in English-speaking countries?):
Our country is going through a hard economic crisis and all know of people around us living a complicated situation. So we are beginning a promotion for unemployed people to have a free book and a 40% discount for our shop. Let's see all you need to know.
There's no need to read news to acknowledge that we are in hard times. With the economic crisis hitting hard our country all know of people going through a complicated situation. As a consequence many of them must cease to spend and their hobby options diminish steeply.
Nevertheless, it's known by all that role-playing games are an economic pastime: with only a basic book you can play many histories, a group amusement longer than any film, book or even online computer games. Therefore, at Nosolorol Ediciones we want to help those people going through hard times, and not having to renounce to their role-playing games acquired taste.
More concretely, we will give away a book in electronic format and a voucher for a 40% discount in our online shop, that includes physical and electronic books, to any user of our website crediting with a document to be unemployed (for instance with the card acknowledging he is searching a job). This only applies to an item of every acquired product. We know its a minor contribution and we are sorry we couldn't offer a more important help to them but at least we could contribute make easier these so sensitive moments.
To benefit from this promotion you must follow these steps:
There's no need to read news to acknowledge that we are in hard times. With the economic crisis hitting hard our country all know of people going through a complicated situation. As a consequence many of them must cease to spend and their hobby options diminish steeply.
Nevertheless, it's known by all that role-playing games are an economic pastime: with only a basic book you can play many histories, a group amusement longer than any film, book or even online computer games. Therefore, at Nosolorol Ediciones we want to help those people going through hard times, and not having to renounce to their role-playing games acquired taste.
More concretely, we will give away a book in electronic format and a voucher for a 40% discount in our online shop, that includes physical and electronic books, to any user of our website crediting with a document to be unemployed (for instance with the card acknowledging he is searching a job). This only applies to an item of every acquired product. We know its a minor contribution and we are sorry we couldn't offer a more important help to them but at least we could contribute make easier these so sensitive moments.
To benefit from this promotion you must follow these steps:
- Register as user in our website (if you hadn't done it previously).
- Send us an electronic mail to crediting you are unemployed. Indicate which book of our catalogue you want to pick in electronic format and your user name in our website.
- We will answer with a code for downloading the book, and another one with the 40% discount you can use to buy what you want in our website.
46th Lunar Cover of the Fanzine Rolero

The Fanzine Rolero reaches its 46th cover:
We are coming back after the stop for moving and reorganizing the magazine, we retake our continuity in a lunar date. Having so many contents waiting to be published it's better not to loose time.
In reviews we have La Mirada del Centinela by Miguel de Rojas, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, analyzed by Capitán Alain Masseri and Blood Red Sans getting out of superheros and any other role-playing conventional matters.
We have another delivery of the actual play of Pendragon by Aquilifer, a design journal and presentation of RiF Despertaferro and a revision of the coming of each RuneQuest edition.
As downloadable contents we have a new scenario for Fiasco JdR, Con B de Burbuja, comitted by Tirano and Arcano XIII we previously announced, and the previously generated PC of Cazadores de Leyendas reconstituted for the XD6 system by Eldaniel, the system creator, we also have a dungeon for Dungeonslayers: La Torre Abandonada by Tirano and, at last a Norwegian style live role-playing (it's difficult to explain it if you don't know what it means): El Reencuentro by Mario Fernandez.
But don't get out because there's more:
An article by Magnus about role-playing in Finland and his translation of the Turku Manifest of role-playing as art that will guide you about all previously said.
We have gaming aids, like Los Sajones: Un Pueblo en la Encrucijada, to be introduced in your gaming sessions by Urox, more rules for role-playing inspirated by Lovecraft using PentagoN and covering sanity and magic, and animal game statistics by Carlos Plaza to be used in Shadow Hunters.
And, of course, the comic strip by Kharma.
I think it's the time we were later to reach our apointment, but I'm sure this is the time with more articles and downloadable contents in a single lunar cover. As a matter of speaking we are outdoing ourselves.
Next time we will be with you again more quickly, we hope the waiting to be worthwhile with all the offered contents.
In reviews we have La Mirada del Centinela by Miguel de Rojas, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, analyzed by Capitán Alain Masseri and Blood Red Sans getting out of superheros and any other role-playing conventional matters.
We have another delivery of the actual play of Pendragon by Aquilifer, a design journal and presentation of RiF Despertaferro and a revision of the coming of each RuneQuest edition.
As downloadable contents we have a new scenario for Fiasco JdR, Con B de Burbuja, comitted by Tirano and Arcano XIII we previously announced, and the previously generated PC of Cazadores de Leyendas reconstituted for the XD6 system by Eldaniel, the system creator, we also have a dungeon for Dungeonslayers: La Torre Abandonada by Tirano and, at last a Norwegian style live role-playing (it's difficult to explain it if you don't know what it means): El Reencuentro by Mario Fernandez.
But don't get out because there's more:
An article by Magnus about role-playing in Finland and his translation of the Turku Manifest of role-playing as art that will guide you about all previously said.
We have gaming aids, like Los Sajones: Un Pueblo en la Encrucijada, to be introduced in your gaming sessions by Urox, more rules for role-playing inspirated by Lovecraft using PentagoN and covering sanity and magic, and animal game statistics by Carlos Plaza to be used in Shadow Hunters.
And, of course, the comic strip by Kharma.
I think it's the time we were later to reach our apointment, but I'm sure this is the time with more articles and downloadable contents in a single lunar cover. As a matter of speaking we are outdoing ourselves.
Next time we will be with you again more quickly, we hope the waiting to be worthwhile with all the offered contents.
Creative Commons Licensed B&W Dungeon Maps
Sometimes can happen that we must improvise a role-playing gaming session and we are not inspired for drawing a dungeon map, is in such instances when we may need a map as those offered in Creative Commons Licensed B&W Dungeon Maps.
Open Gaming Monthly
Fat Goblin Games announces the new magazine Open Gaming Monthly, dedicated exclusively to gaming systems based in open licenses like OGL or Creative Commons licenses.
Spanish translation of the RuneQuest 6 GM’s Pack
Publisher The Design Mechanism has given permission to translate GM’s Pack of RuneQuest 6 to Spanish, this translation was carried out by Manuel Alfonso Garcia Gonzalez and can be downloaded from the download section of the website of the publisher.
The Freak Times returns

The electronic fanzine The Freak Times is back after an abscence of 10 years and his brief stint in Trasgotauro.
La Puerta de Ishtar wins 4 Poliedro awards

La Puerta de Ishtar has won the Poliedro awards in the following categories: Best setting, Best narrative, Best role-playing game created in Castillian and Best year's product.
DiaRol 2013

L'Associació de Jugadors i Jugadores de Rol de Reus (Spain) organise next March 9th at their headquarters the DiaRol 2013, a new edition of the tribute day to Gary Gygax (creator of the first role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons). There will be many initiation gaming sessions and demostrations of this game, ther will be also other related activities like tabletop games, films and lectures. All the activities are free, without previous inscription and open to everybody.
16:00 to 21:00h Demos and initiation to games:
- Many versions of the first and most popular role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons
- The classic tabletop game with miniatures, Heroquest
- The new games of dungeon exploring: the tabletop game Descent and the card game Munchkin
- And other role-playing-games, miniature games, tabletop games and card games of heroic fantasy
22:00 to 00:00h Projection of a surprise sword and sorcery movie
Associació de Jugadors i Jugadores de Rol de Reus
C/ Eduard Toda 12 baixos esquerra, 43204 Reus (Spain).
Tel./Fax: 977 12 82 46
Twitter: @AJJRR
FB: Associació de Jugadors i Jugadores de Rol de Reus / /
Reportage about The Empire Strikes Back filming
And finally a bit of nostalgia with a half-hour reportage courtesy of Star Wars Archives about the filming of The Empire Strikes Back, the second part of the original Star Wars trilogy.
This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català
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