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domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Swamp of Sighs: Module ready to download

The English translation of Pantano de los Suspiros, an easy module to introduce players to the role playing game Aventuras en La Marca del Este (and easily adaptable to other Old School Games) is ready for download using this link.

This translation is the first international project of El Dado Inquieto and has been made possible with the help of David Macauley of the blog There's Dungeons Down Under, who made the proofreading and some minor editing of the original text, I'm very grateful for your help, Dave.

If English readers of the blog download the module and play it I will be very glad to know what do they think about it, so please leave your comments in this post.

2 comentarios:

  1. Thank you for the module! I'm excited to read it and will look for an opportunity to use it in my game.

  2. Staples: Thank you for downloading it, I hope you like it.
