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lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Review of La Llamada de los dioses

In today's post I will show you the review of the last box in the Aventuras en La Marca del Este series published in Spain: The Black Box with the campaign La llamada de los dioses (Call of gods), reviews for the other boxes can be found following these links: Red Box, Blue Box and Green Box.

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Unlike other reviews I have done previously this time I will not extend myself reviewing the plot of La llamada de los dioses (in the end there is a possibility that some of my potential players are reading these lines and I have not spoil the surprise, right?). Instead I will give you a brief notes about the campaign I hope will allow you to evaluate its potential to offer many hours of adventure and diversion as its game sessions can span a year more or less given the volume of information in the book (400 pages divided into three parts, all told, I have not been able to analyze with the depth it deserves) and maps contained in the annex booklet.

The campaign begins with a first part where characters will be in the high seas and involved in a tricky and demanding situation needing all their skills to get through. After this thrilling start characters will go to the second part and carry out the exploration of a really large complex of caves and chambers (you know, the typical dungeon but adequated to a large campaign) that has nothing to envy to other exploration campaigns of Dungeons & Dragons or similar games in the Old School Renaissance (OSR) movement. Leaving aside enemies the characters will face while going into gloomy rooms and corridors it's also possible to find many traps and puzzles that will test the wisdom and acumen of the players, a fact which I welcome as best adventures should not be limited only to a set of fighting, should also stimulate their imagination.

Once they have discovered all the secrets hidden in the caves characters will have the chance to return home, there they will start the third and last part of the campaign and luckily will save peoples of the East Mark.

To finish I advise referees willing to master La llamada de los dioses to take their time to read the book of teh campaign and preapre all the information the may need for themselves and their players, they also may need to read the books of the Blue and Green boxes to introduce the background of the game world and the bestiary and also optional rules they may need, although the campaign can be adapted also to other worlds or rulesets or even incorporate material from them because authors also suggest to make changes as needed to adapt it to everyone's playing style (while writing this review I can think of some ideas, if you follow the reviews that appear from time to time in the blog perhaps you may guess what I'm thinking about).

This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català

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