Walküre shows its character sheet

Creators of Walküre (also creators of Aventuras en la Marca del Este) had made publicly available the character sheet of their game, you may download it from this post of their blog.
Desde el Sótano reaches its 118th edition

The online magazine Desde el Sótano reaches 118th edition with the following articles (Note: The magazine is writen in Spanish):
- Editorial: a word from the maker.
- Credits: Those who are behind this (and make it possible).
- Index
- Basement Answers: Questions from the fans and the best of our responses.
- The Voice: Conferences, meetings and events for the coming days and months.
- Basement exterior: Section with interesting news from the outside world.
- Stories: Y que no te guste. A short story for Rol Negro.
- Organization: Emergency Command. The political answer to the Rindhare catastrophe was a federal emergency management system (Exo)
- Street guide: Typical dishes. This month the Cunia Paella (Rol Negro).
- Scenarios: Grebells class orbital station. A complete instalation for using in your gaming sessions of Exo.
- Combat: Bayonet charges. Rules for more realism in Comandos de Guerra combat.
- Fauna: Snake without teeth. Despite the name it's a giant worm very dangerous for Pangea inhabitants.
- Economy: Hiring a henchman. Roberta informs us of the rates of ruffians and killers of the city of Cunia (Rol Negro).
- Weapons: Safe ammunition. An extension of rules for creating ships for CEP.
- Weapons: Granatbüchse Modell 39. An antitank rifle from a converted model that war made obsolete (Comandos de Guerra).
- Security: Crowd sensors. Designed for civil use, this sensor haven't finished with disputes about number of people assisting demonstrations in Exo.
- Poisons: Wukran plant. Also known as the plant of the beautiful woman it's an unpleasant poison that doesn't like very much the sun of Pangea.
- Equipment: Basic explorer equipment. If you create a explorer character in Exo and haven't time to choose your equipment this is your article.
- Chronology: The Great War, March 1914
- Runes: News of Pangea.
- The Truth: Cunia news of the day. March 2014.
- A.D.E.G. '70: Day of the Aolha 3470 (the UPG unmasked).
- Chronology: March 1809.
- Pangea: Engaño. How the most despicable arts of merchants have its place in the savage land.
- Exo: A random game session... Help for generating improvised gaming sessions. For use when you have finished all the ones we have published.
- Ojos de Clara: 1x04 - Cancerbero en el Hades. Synopsis of a new chapter in the series of Rol Negro.
- Sangrienta Siete: 1x04 - Travesía mortal. Synopsis of a new chapter in the series of Comandos.
Holocubierta announces First Contact: XCorps

Publisher Holocubierta announces one of his future projects: First Contact: XCorps.
This game use as a basis the rules of D6 system and its plot presents an alien invasion to be stopped by characters. The game also will be published in English and French by AKA Games, a company of Le 7ème Cercle (creators of teh game Z-Corps, also published in Spain by Holocubierta).
Ludus Myrtea
Coming March 28th, 29th and 30th gaming days Ludus Myrtea will be held in Murcia (Spain). To see a complete list of activities to be carried out follow this link.
RPG Made in Spain Youtube channel
A new Youtube channel had been born: RPG Made in Spain, dedicated to offer reviews in English of role-playing games created in Spain, first games reviewed are Lands of Alchemy and La Puerta de Ishtar.
Kickstarter: Breach World RPG

A patronage you may be interested in is the Breach World RPG, a game based in the Mini Six variant of the OpenD6 ruleset created by AntiPaladin Games. If you want to read a preview of the game you may download the Breachworld RPG Kickstarter Preview from DriveThruRPG.
Solidary adventures for LES 2014

One more year there's an appeal to all creatives wanting to participate with their adventures to help Jornadas Lúdicas Solidarias Ludo Ergo Sum and the NGO Por un pasito más, to obtain more information about this you may visit this post of the blog Rol the bones.
RetroRoleplaying: Original Microlite20 Rules

It seems that the original rules in English of the Microlite20 system were difficult to find, to solve this problem RetroRoleplaying offers them through this post of his blog.
Revólveres y Ocultistas 3.0

To finish announce that the third version of Revólveres y Ocultistas it's already available as a free download from this post of Outcasted Project.
This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català
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