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miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2025

Bundle Amor per Valencia / Love for Valencia


Bundle Amor per Valencia / Love for Valencia at
Bundle Amor per Valencia / Love for Valencia at

I’m back at the blog to talk about the bundle Amor per Valencia / Love for Valencia which Rolerøs No Representativøs has prepared together with Proyecto Butterfly to help those affected by the devastation caused by the cold drop of October 2024 at Valencia.

Effects of the cold drop of October 2024

The “cold drop”, unleashed mainly at the Mediterranean coast of Spain between October 29th and November 15th of 2024 affected the Valencian Community, causing important material damage and an important number of deceased (225 of 233 deceased officially recognised at March 11th of 2025).

To have a vision of what happened those days and its consequences you can read the article at Wikipedia and read the following links:

Contents of the bundle

I take part in this bundle, along with another 279 creators, to offer to any person interested in collaborating 771 articles of all kinds (traditional tabletop roleplaying games, computer games, books, game aids…) in Catalan, Spanish and English (in my case all three languages) at a minimum cost of 5€ to allow a greater number of people to participate (although I’m sure that more than one will give more than that).

To know the content of the bundle you may check the links to the search tool Bundle Browser and this Google spreadsheet.

To see how to search for games in the bundle you may look at the following videos at Youtube (these have subtitles enabled which can be translated):


Bundle Amor per Valencia / Love for Valencia - Revenue
Bundle Amor per Valencia / Love for Valencia - Revenue

At the time of writing these lines the bundle has greatly surpassed the initial objective of 10,000€ and has already collected 15,877.53€ (158%), but to help those affected more will be needed and there’s a month and a half to continue to contribute, so I encourage you to participate in whatever you can and pass it around.

Other websites to help

Besides this bundle in this post there’s also other webs you may be interested to check, here you have a list of links:

This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català

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