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miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

Photographic Review of Món de Monstres

Today I present the review of the role-playing game Món de Monstres (World of Monsters) by Maqui Edicions, which I bought last December 3rd at Ayudar Jugando 2011.

Cover of Món de Monstres

Món de Monstres is designed to introduce role-playing games in general (and fantasy ones in particular) to people who want to get started for first time in this type of entertainment.

Back cover of Món de Monstres

To achieve this goal the author, Josep Sala, and the publisher have decided to take advantage of the Open Game License (OGL) created by Wizards of the Coast to integrate the better parts of the following games:

Book of Món de Monstres compared with the Spanish edition of Call of Cthulhu (La Factoría de Ideas, 1998)

This synthesis leads to a game with the typical characteristics of fantasy games created after the appearance of Dungeons & Dragons.

First page of table of contents

The game is divided in these chapters:

1. Introducció (Introduction)
This chapter shows the basic concepts of role-playing games and offers a quick summary of the characteristics to be explained in later chapters.

2. Heroi (Hero)
This chapter is devoted to the creation of characters by players.

Players can play elfs, gnomes, humans, half-elfs, half-orcs, halflings and dwarfs. Classes (character types) are those typical of fantasy role-playing games: barbarian, bard, cleric, explorer, warrior, thieve, mage and paladin.

The rest of the chapter is dedicated to the features that serve to complement the character, such as options to define his background and the hero points that allow him to face difficult situations if he has any luck.

To the end describes the system to improve the character with experience points gained within the adventures and character levels.

Page 18

Page 22

Page 36

Page 44

3. Sistema (System)
In this chapter are explained all the game mechanics, thus including tools like basic ability tests (what characters can do), situations where characters can be involved (like incidents that may be found in their travels), combat rules and healing of wounds and diseases.

Page 54

Page 68

4. Equip (Equipment)
This chapter provides players a list of goods and services that can be bought (this includes weapons and armoury) and describes the economic system to manage its purchase.

Page 76

Page 80

5. Màgia (Magic)
This chapter describes the pair of magic systems of the game: Mages and sorcerer’s magic (dependent of the very nature of the characters) and cleric’s magic (of divine origin) and also includes a list of more than 100 spells with its description and its effects.

Page 86

6. DJ (GM)
This chapter is devoted exclusively to the Game Master, the person in charge of refereeing the game and design the adventures lived by the playing characters. Inside the chapter are included advices to design them and to create non-playing characters (like secondary characters and extras in a movie so to speak), manage the rewards at the end of an adventure and an extended list of magical objects that can be included in adventures.

Page 116

7. Monstres (Monsters)
The last chapter includes an extended list of 60 classical monsters that game masters can use as adversaries for the characters.

Page 150

First page of the character's sheet

Second page of the character's sheet

Finally I can say that Món de Monstres is an excellent game for people wishing to begin role-playing games, also the fact that it is one of the few games in Catalan in the market today should also to be an incentive for those who want to play in this language.

This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català

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