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domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

Cthulhu Dark debut

Last September 10 and 24 I had the chance to referee my first game session of Cthulhu Dark at La Cofradía del Rol.


This time I refereed the adventure The Curse of Anubis, that belongs to supplement Taint of Madness for Call of Cthulhu, published in Spain by La Factoría de Ideas in 2002.

Taint of Madness is the ideal supplement for all the referees that need information about Insanity and its treatment and also provides information for three asylums for the three game eras (Bethelem in London for 1890, the Asylum of Arkham for 1920 and Bellevue for 1990). The adventure I refereed precisely had its focus in the Arkham asylum and one of the internees, the archaeologist Christopher Van Horn, that is not as crazy as it may seem because the creatures he has seen: the ghouls (SPOILER: Select the text to see it) are much more real than it might seem ...

One player insisted in exploring the tunnels nearer to Van Horn mansion, so in the second playing session I had to use some of the information contained in the supplement Dreamlands, published in Spain by the no disappeared Joc Internacional publisher, to offer him a trip he surely won’t forgot, because we all know that ghouls lairs are connected to the Underworld of Dreamlands  (SPOILER: Select the text to see it).

In conclusion, a pair of very funny evenings that let me say that Cthulhu Dark is a very easy ruleset and perfect for stories set in Lovecraft’s works.

Cthulhu Dark is freely available to download from this links:

Cthulhu Dark in English
Cthulhu Dark in Catalan
Cthulhu Dark in Castilian

This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català

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