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miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

Maintenance | October 2016


Hello everybody, I have been some days away from the blog but today I'm back with a maintenance post talking about some news and changes.

My activity has expanded to more Internet sites because I have registered in the Catalan-speaking forum Talpimon and also have opened the account @eldadoinquieto at Twitter so, besides the one I already have at Google+, you also can follow me in these social network if you want.

Properly speaking of blog changes you also will see I have changed the background and added some widgets allowing to follow me in social networks: the Google+ badge given by Blogger, a widget giving a list of the latest Google+ posts (which currently seems to work properly) and a widget with the list of the latest Twitter posts.

And this is all for now, more soon.

This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català

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