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jueves, 20 de julio de 2017

Tagging RPG

In Today's post I will talk about the initiative...
Etiquetando Rol

which is born in RPG circles of the social network Google+ and more specifically in the mind of +Sirio Sesenra, being graphically shaped by +Futago (you may also visit KawaINDEX and Twins Studio to know more about the works he carries out), who had created a system which allow to classify in a clear, obvious and useful way role-playing adventures and supplements.

This initiative, the final result of which you may read in this post of +Futago in Google+ gives any interested person a set of icons under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license allowing him to tag an adventure or rpg publication with a series of characteristics allowing to know previously players willing to play it data like the estimated duration of it, the number of players for which it is intended or if it is necessary to know the setting of the game.

Although the original license of the icons doesn't allow to create derivatives +Futago has declared he doesn't care about people creating new icons as long as are offered under the same license, so I decided to contribute to this initiative extending the number of file formats of the icons, also translating them to Catalan and English and adding 4 more icons (Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Pulp and Terror) allowing all people interested to indicate the genre of the adventure, as you can see in the screen captures of the following explanatory pdf.

In the English language downloads I offer you will see the following groups (if you want the icons in Catalan or Spanish languages read the posts in those languages):
  • Resources, containing editable archives in Adobe Illustrator, EPS, ODG and SVG formats as well as the Roboto font by Google Fonts and an explanatory pdf file.
  • The icons for each category (Duration, Number of Players, general and Genres) in PNG, TIFF, EPS, GIF, PSD and ODG formats.
Resources: Google Drive | 4Shared
Duration: Google Drive | 4Shared
Number of players: Google Drive | 4Shared
General: Google Drive | 4Shared
Genres: Google Drive | 4Shared

To be able to edit the source files you will be interested in having the edition programs Photoshop, Illustrator, Gimp, Inkscape or the image editors of the OpenOffice or LibreOffice suites, you also may find helpful to use online file converters like CloudConvert, Convertio, Online-Convert or Inettools.

The initiative by +Sirio Sesenra and +Futago is great and I liked it very much, so it deserves to receive my quality seal:

This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català

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