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miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017

Maintenance (November 2017)


Although it does not look like it I'm alive and working and today's post is devoted to blog maintenance, so I have updated the downloads section with contents from the article devoted to the Etiquetando Rol initiative (in Gaming aids) and the utility for quickly creating characters (in Utilities) included with the review of the game Recuerda el mañana.

By the way, this review had been considerably successful as you may see in the hit count of October 31st of the following table (and it continues to grow), surely due to the fact of offering the application that accompanies it, this could be an interesting indicative for future contents.

Hit count (October 31st 2017)
Spanish language post

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Catalan language post

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English language post

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And that's all for now, see you in coming posts.

This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català

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