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lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Tesoros de la Marca (english)


La Marca del Este authors have decided to take another step forward with the creation of their online store: Tesoros de la Marca 

The recreational supply available to the fans includes his game and other games in physical format (roleplaying games, tabletop games and card games and second-hand games, which constitutes an opportunity to purchase games at the time one couldn’t buy) and roleplaying games in pdf format.

Inside this final section should be noted the presale of Cacería de Bichos by Demonio Sonriente and free downloads of games created by countries’ indie writers (that includes Haunted House of Proyecto Arcadia and Shadow Hunters).

From El Dado Inquieto I can only congratulate La Marca del Este and wish them well in this and other future projects.

This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català

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