Presentation of Aventuras en La Marca del Este in Argentina

Holocubierta announces that Aventuras en La Marca del Este will be presented at Argentina with the help of Sierpes del Sur society next March 24th at cultural centre La Toma (C/ Tucuman 1349, Rosario, Argentina).
For an updated list of stores where the game will be available you can check this link to Holocubierta website.
Arcano XIII announces the 38th Lunar Cover of Fanzine Rolero

The 38th Lunar Cover of Fanzine Rolero brings us the following contents:
A lot of work in the month of love (as large stores and hostelry says) and a month of exams at University, but once more here we are with the full moon.
As it was announced a few days ago we offer, with layout, drawings and ready to play an official module of Haunted House with Lovecraftian inspiration: Círculo Íntimo (Intimate Circle).
Written by one of the original authors of the basic book, Jacobo Peña, aided by FR editors to help Arcadia team to make it. For more information we recommend this post.
But let’s review the contents of the magazine and its regular sections.
At reviews the conBarba edition of Donjon analized by Aquilifer, Lorefinder (mixing Pathfinder and Gumshoe of Esoterrorists) by Tirano and Werden analyzes the open system Open D6 (of the famous Star Wars of West End Games and published in Spain years ago by Joc Internacional) and with a lot of documents to make games. We also return to FATE and Dresden Files RPG with Bester talking about his game tests results.
At games workshops we try to make a game system using the light version of Open D6, MiniSix, and from here, with the Cordovan Arcano XIII, Kharma strikes back with a new comic strip and Daniel Julivert interviews Ricard Ibañez.
At ready to play material at your gaming sessions Khazike brings us rules for mental health and sanity for Guerrero, Pícaro y Mago, not forgetting another house game, Ablaneda, to finishing adapting Gonzalo de Berceo giving adventure seeds for his game. Carlos Plaza explains how to put zombies (mystical and biological ones) in Shadow Hunters, Kharma do double bringing maps for dungeons with diverse advice for using them in your favourite game, and we recover the work done by Sergio Mesa with his compiled translations of Marvel Comics superheroes for using with Mutants & Masterminds. We also offer the second instalment of the module Los Mapas del Reino Antiguo by Jkeats, originally published by NSR in its defunct magazine and later in print and uncatalogued.
Once more we tried not to forget open article series and previously free offered games, but we also try to be plural regarding the actual RPG played. If you want that other themes and games to be treated, begin helping us to take them to the magazine and attract fans with your tastes joining the team.
You can contact the editorial at magazine’s forum or better contact the chief editor here.
As it was announced a few days ago we offer, with layout, drawings and ready to play an official module of Haunted House with Lovecraftian inspiration: Círculo Íntimo (Intimate Circle).
Written by one of the original authors of the basic book, Jacobo Peña, aided by FR editors to help Arcadia team to make it. For more information we recommend this post.
But let’s review the contents of the magazine and its regular sections.
At reviews the conBarba edition of Donjon analized by Aquilifer, Lorefinder (mixing Pathfinder and Gumshoe of Esoterrorists) by Tirano and Werden analyzes the open system Open D6 (of the famous Star Wars of West End Games and published in Spain years ago by Joc Internacional) and with a lot of documents to make games. We also return to FATE and Dresden Files RPG with Bester talking about his game tests results.
At games workshops we try to make a game system using the light version of Open D6, MiniSix, and from here, with the Cordovan Arcano XIII, Kharma strikes back with a new comic strip and Daniel Julivert interviews Ricard Ibañez.
At ready to play material at your gaming sessions Khazike brings us rules for mental health and sanity for Guerrero, Pícaro y Mago, not forgetting another house game, Ablaneda, to finishing adapting Gonzalo de Berceo giving adventure seeds for his game. Carlos Plaza explains how to put zombies (mystical and biological ones) in Shadow Hunters, Kharma do double bringing maps for dungeons with diverse advice for using them in your favourite game, and we recover the work done by Sergio Mesa with his compiled translations of Marvel Comics superheroes for using with Mutants & Masterminds. We also offer the second instalment of the module Los Mapas del Reino Antiguo by Jkeats, originally published by NSR in its defunct magazine and later in print and uncatalogued.
Once more we tried not to forget open article series and previously free offered games, but we also try to be plural regarding the actual RPG played. If you want that other themes and games to be treated, begin helping us to take them to the magazine and attract fans with your tastes joining the team.
You can contact the editorial at magazine’s forum or better contact the chief editor here.
conBarba publisher announces that joins the Bits and Mortar initiative

conBarba publisher announces that joins the Bits and Mortar initiative, conceived to promote minor retailers selling role-playing games.
Dwimmermount Kisckstarter reaches its objective

The campaign to raise funds through Kickstarter to finance publishing the Dwimmermount megadungeon by James Maliszewski (of the blog Grognardia) had a great success as it has achieved its goal in just two days.
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