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miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

September 2015 news

And returning from holydays it's time to see some interesting news that have occurred lately:



The role-playing game Walküre will be published in Brasil in 2016 by Pensamento Coletivo.

Onyx Path Publishing offers the chance of taking part in the development of Vampire: The Masquerade 4th Edition through the initiative Gehenna [Vampire Open Development].

Birth of Ebrolis, a new free or low-cost ebook platform in Spanish.

The game scenario Mediterraneo Mítico created by Runa Digital for the patronage of the Spanish edition of Runequest 6 it is now on sale.

Birth of a new cultural association: Ludus in Fabula.

The initiative Gorgon Quaterly has already a wiki.

There's also a wiki to begin creating a SRD for the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons.

Birth of a new publisher: Owl Knight Publishing.


Dungeons & Cthulhu presents his Module contest.

Club de rol Kritik from Barcelona presents his Science-Fiction Day.

L'Associació de Jugadors i Jugadores de Rol de Reus (AJJRR) announces its coming Role-plating and strategy games days for coming October 3rd and 4th..


Immersion Studios is carrying out the patronage of Infected Zombie RPG in the Kickstarter platform.

David Morgan-Mar is financing his webcomics (Irregular Webcomic!, Darths & Droids y Planet of Hats) through the Patreon platform.

Dave Olson is carrying out the patronage campaign of Fantasy Renaissance Adventure Modules for various role-playing systems at Kickstarter.

MapForge is creating maps through his patronage campaign at Patreon.

Juan Ochoa is creating illustrations for role-playing games through his campaign at Patreon.

Nicholas Robinson is financing Pilgrims of Rao: Core Guidebook through his campaign at Kickstarter.

Raúl Pozo is financing Dungeon Forge - In my pocket through his patronage campaign at Kickstarter.

Diego Tomé is financing Faraway: El juego narrativo de cartas through his patronage campaign at Verkami.


Do you have to prepare an introductory session for grown-ups? If so you will be interested in the article Introducing Adults to D&D.

And talking about Dungeons & Dragons and role-playing games benefits you may also find interesting How "Dungeons & Dragons" saved my autistic son.

Scientists of the Physics Department of the UAB had designed and creating at his laboratory the first experimental wormhole connecting magnetically two regions of space.

Did you know that the first astronaut to orbit the Earth culd have been a Briton using a V2 rocket?: How a Nazi rocket could have put a Briton in space.

Dune, the famous novel by Frank Herbert (which turned 50 last August) is also interesting for its ecological side as explained in this article at

DSFP's Spaceflight History offers interesting articles about astronautics, like Failure Was an Option: What If Apollo Astronauts Could Not Ride the Saturn V Rocket? (1965) about the Saturn V rocket consttruction and The Martian Adventure: A Forgotten Pioneer of Mars Resource Utilization (1962-1963) about planning Mars expeditions.


From Espada Negra comes the download of the referee screen.


James V. West still offers interesting character classes for OSr games, like for example Black Night and Star Wizard.

If you are interested in easy fantasy role-playing games you can try Old School Hack, both in its original version and its Spanish translation thanks to conBarba.

If you are interested in quickly improvise a dungeon you may try Sastaz's Dungeon Generator.

Rol Hypnos offres various mythological creatures for Mandato del Cielo.

Px Magazine had made available for players 6 face illustrations drawn by David Verzobias under free license, which has led to proposals like El desafio de los 6 rostros.

Privateer Press offers the free download of Warmachine and Hordes rulesets.

Bruce Herad offers as a free download the conversion rules for playing Calidar. In Stranger Skies with your preferred ruleset.

Lesser Gnome offers the free download of its creature catalog through RPGNow.


Demonio Sonriente communicates the PWYW download of Ataque a Schwesternschaft and Xenoarqueólogos de Greenglow City.

Far West, el juego de rol offers the free download of the game addendum.

Cinema and television

It has already been disclosed the cast of Star Wars: Rogue One, there's also the rumour that actor Peter Cushing (IMDB | Wikipedia), who played the Great Moff Tarkin in Star Wars: A New Hope and already deceased, could be digitally inserted in the film.

The pilot episode of Star Trek: Renegades is already available.

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