19as Jornades de Rol a Reus
The Associació de Jugadors i Jugadores de Rol de Reus (AJJRR) of Spain announce its next gaming days:
Reus (La Palma), 2012 October 6th and 7th. Saturday from 10am to 2am, Sunday from 10am to 2pm.
Organized by Associació de Jugadors i Jugadores de Rol de Reus (AJJRR)
With the collaboration of Regidoria de Cultura i Joventut de l'Ajuntament de Reus
The Associació de Jugadors i Jugadores de Rol de Reus (AJJRR) was born in 1994 with the aim of bringing together fans of RPG, strategy and simulation of the city and to disseminate and promote these games as a leisure, cultural and participatory activity among youth and the general public.
With the passage of time new recreational activities and hobbies have been added to the AJJRR related or close to RPGs, strategy games and simulation games, miniatures, film, toy library service, library and fantasy genre film library and networked computer games. AJJRR currently have about 50 members who meet at the local of the Association located in the Raval de Santa Anna number 13, 3º, Reus.
Among the many activities organized by the AJJRR AJJRR to make known the activities of the Association includes the Rol a Reus Gaming Days, celebrating this year the 19th edition, on 6 and 7 October 2012 in La Palma, C / Ample n 75, Reus (Tarragona). Scheduled activities for the 19th Rol a Reus Gaming Days are:
- Initiation gaming sessions and demos::
- Role-playing games: Almogàvers, La Crida de Cthulhu, El Rastro de Cthulhu, Dungeons & Dragons, Món de Monstres, Haunted House, Fragmentos, Stormbringer, Vampiro, Mago, among others.
- Tabletop and card games: Doom, Agricola, Command & Colors, 11 de setembre setge 1714, Cash & Guns, Zombies!, Dixit and more to be confirmed.
- Strategic games with miniatures: Heroquest, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40.000, Dreadfleet, Infinity, Flames of War, among others.
- Fast painting Contest of fantasy miniatures (28 mm scale)
- Catan Tournament
- Magic Tournament
- Blood Bowl Tournament
- Munchkin Tournament
- Toy library service: games loan service for attendees
- Geek Market: space for the purchase, sale and exchange of games and related items open to shops and businesses (fee € 50) or private (free) for anyone wanting a stand.
- Thematic Night "APOCALYPSE: CRISIS 2012": : dinner, live role, 'surprise' B film series and activities set in a near post-apocalypse.
- Sweepstakes of RPGs, board games, card games, miniatures, modeling material, books and comics for the audience.
- And other activities, tournaments and competitions.
Associació de Jugadors i Jugadores de Rol de Reus
Raval de Santa Anna 13 3r, 43201 Reus.
Tel./Fax: 977 12 82 46
rolreus@gmail.com / info@ajjrr.org
www.juegaarol.com / www.ajjrr.org
For more information please see the dossier of the days.
Desde el Sótano reaches its 101st edition

The online magazine Desde el Sótano reaches its 101st edition with the following contents (Note: This is a translation to English of the magazine press note, it is written in Spanish):
- Editorial: A word from the maker.
- Credits: Those who are behind this (and make it possible).
- Índex
- The Voice: Conferences, meetings and events for the coming days and months.
- Basement exterior: Section with interesting news from the outside world. This month more full than ever.
- Bibliography: Necromunda, or how to adapt a setting to the vast universe of Exo.
- Gallery: Sheller Bomber in 3D. E. Vélez is rendering in 3D ships of Exo (and CEP).
- Groups: Tikki Dancers. A specialized group adept to invocations in this Pangea race.
- Minerals: Minerals Glossary (S). We continue with mineral description as a help for GMs of Exo.
- History: Prehistory and origins of Cunia. An ambitious project of one of our regular contributors that seeks to develop history of Cunia before Rol Negro.
- Characters: Hanna Reitsch. A fervent Nazi, until the day of her death, but that was one of the aviation pioneers (yes, female), is our character for Comandos.
- Illness: Ego Destroyer. A strange disease that affects psionics and not psionics alike and that, for now, of unknown origin (besides being a resource for the GM it’s useful for give a hard time for the Exo player character).
- Professions: Professional gambler. How to create one of these characters in Rol Negro.
- Actions: Languages in Exo. Advices and rules for using this ability in the game.
- Security: Assassin. A technological prodigy of the RFP used for shady matters in Exo.
- Ships: Static mines. Include this game element in gaming sessions of CEP.
- Fetishes: Howling bag. Never the bogeyman was so close to Pangea.
- Sanitary: Methamphetamines. A comprehensive article on the use of these substances in World War Two (Comandos).
- Timeline: The war every day, September 1939.
- Runes: News of Pangea.
- The Truth: Cunia news of the day. September 2012.
- A.D.E.G. '68: Salku 3486
- CEP: Taking advantage last month we published the rules of CEP in this magazine we offer a scenario to be played by a gamer alone and learn game’s basic routines. It’s not easy.
- Exo Live Role-playing: La Caída de Alia. Live role-playing we made for the first Som Com, characters will be Tyrans politicians in an important presidential crisis.
- Black Hammer: Its author offers an article for the setting with various adventure seeds, a reason for including it in this section.
A new free role-playing system: Sistema 4A

The blog TPF: Génesis presents a new free role-playing system for introducing newbie players to role-playing games (the game is written in Spanish).
Warriors of the Red Planet
To finish this news entry I present you the game Warriors of the Red Planet, a game set in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom being created now and, by the samples that are appearing in the blog, seems it will be very interesting.
And for a tip here goes the demo reel prepared by director Kerry Conran when the film John Carter of Mars was about to be produced by Paramount Pictures in 2004.
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Castellano Català
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