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sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012

Old School: The god Set

As I have commented before I’m beginning to write, among other themes, contents related with Neferu, the Ancient Egypt representation that appears in the Blue Box of Aventuras en La Marca del Este. These days I’m sketching my ideas waiting for the release of the Green Box (I’m sure it will be a magnificent inspiration source) and I would like to present the following poll:

Set and Horus

In Egyptian polytheist mythology Set is the god of the desert and storms, a god many times considered to be malefic and chaotic (especially when is told how he murders his brother Osiris and battles his nephew Horus to take control of Egypt or when it is related to foreign invaders). Set is represented in Egyptian iconography in many different ways, even to mix characteristics of various animals (jackal, donkey, etc...).

In the case of The Phoenix in the Sword and The God in the Bowl (both written by Robert E. Howard) Set appears in a manner that pulp literature readers sure will recognize: a gigantic snake or a form with certainly ophidian traits (traits also shared by creatures related to the god).

And so here goes the question: Which option do you think is more suitable for a role-playing game like Aventuras en La Marca del Este (or Old School in general)? Do you prefer a representation adjusted to concepts held by Ancient Egyptians or are you attracted by the depiction of pulp stories?.

The poll in the side column will be available during a month, I’m inviting you to vote and leave your comments in the post.

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