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lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

June 2013 news (Second part)

Semana Rolera El Dirigible 2013

The club El Dirigible from Sevilla (Spain) celebrates the Free RPG Day (June 15th) with a week dedicated to RPGs:

At El Dirigible we always strive to give much importance to RPGs. We are proud when we see that there are several gaming sessions in our calendar and tables full of people eager to try new games or start inrole-playing games. So how we can celebrate the role-playing spirit that accompanies us?

A few months ago we discovered through the blog Freak in the North, that Free RPG Day is held worldwide in June 15th with many publishing companies in the world giving their two cents. Some with free adventures, some with special promotions and we... Well, we don't publish books or sell anything, we can only offer our storytellers and our headquarters ... and the thought took shape.

We do not know another way to celebrate it, but we do know that one day falls short, so we are pleased to announce


We go beyond a day, we go beyond a week, this is unnameable, this is pure habit, this are 18 gaming sessions in 7 days. Yes, you read that right, 18 gaming sessions during the the Role-playing Week by El Dirigible. From Aquelarre to Fragmentos, from La Marca del Este to La Mirada del Centinela, all genres are touched to deliver the ultimate role-playing experience.

From June 10th to 16th we will have tabletop role-playing games and a very special live role-playing sharing with you this celebration. From Monday to Thursday there will be one relaxing gaming sesion in our headquarters, Friday will be an special event reconquering a space that became a very important for role-playing in past eras: The Civic Center Las Sirenas at la Alameda de Hércules, the reamining weekend there will be at least 4 daily role-playing sessions again in our headquarters.

This is role-playing, this is free, this is El Dirigible.

Monday 10th to Thursday 13th: El Dirigible headquarters
Friday 14th: Las Sirenas Civic Center
Friday 14th at night: El Dirigible headquarters. Live Role-playing
Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th: El Dirigible headquarters

For more info follow this link.

Devir will publish Pathfinder in Spain

As you surely know (if living in Spain), publisher Devir had achieved the license to translate and publish in Spain the role-playing game Pathfinder by Paizo. For more details regarding the translation and publishing process you may follow this post of Jordi Zamarreño, translations coordinator of Devir Iberia.

Ludotecnia liberates Sistema Madre

As announced by Ludotecnia some days ago at Google Plus network this publisher had decided to offer as a free download (in Spanish) the basic system for the Cliffhanger game series.

This entry it's also available in the following languages:
Castellano Català

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