Game designer Rick Hershey needs your help
Author and game designer Rick Hershey, co-owner of
Fat Goblin Games (which publishes the magazine
Open Gaming Monthly I reviewed previously in this posts:
OPM #1,
OPM #2,
OPM #3 y
OPM #4) needs your help:
A New Hope
My name is Rick Hershey. I’ve worked in the game industry for over 12 years now, doing illustration, graphic design, cartography, writing, game design, publishing, and much more. I love this industry, I love making games, and I love the people I’ve worked with over the years.I have an amazing wife, Tristan Hershey, and four wonderful children (Mya, Marilyn, Madilyn, and Ricky). Shortly after my wife and I were married, she was diagnosed with
Crohn’s Disease and all our hopes, dreams, and plans were altered. For the last six years we’ve struggled to fight her disease (which also has given her constant kidney stones, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, and a mini-stroke) while raising our children and trying to better our lives. I support our family on freelancing and publishing as I need to be home daily in case she is sick. The
NEW HOPE BUNDLE is a means for my family to get the start to prosper we would of had without her disease. It’s a means to overcome the debt from her illness and to start a new life with a chance to succeed.
What We Need & What You Get
When you purchase the
NEW HOPE BUNDLE you get tons of pdf books from your favorite publishers, including the bulk of Fat Goblin Games products. That is hundreds of dollars of gaming goodness for a small price. The money we earn goes directly to the Hershey family and will allow us to pay off bills, move to a better residence, and help alleviate the burden this disease has caused. In addition, a portion of the money raised will go to establishing a non-profit group to help aid other game designers, writers, artists, and members of the game industry in their times of need.
The Impact
Working in the gaming industry doesn’t make most of us rich. I work hard to provide for my family as well as producing fun content for my own products and those of my clients. By purchasing the
NEW HOPE BUNDLE you will remove an immense amount of stress from my family and allow us to worry about important things such as my wife’s ongoing health and our children’s happiness.
Other Ways You Can Help
There are many ways you can help, if you get the bundle or not. Please take a moment and share the link to this bundle on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. There are buttons at the top to make this even easier. Post in groups, on forums, and tell your friends. Make a big deal about this bundle and the value of these products and how everyone can help a family of the gaming industry. If you are publisher and want to contribute to the bundle, that is great as well, and will be very much appreciated. Contact me and I’ll give you the info to add your own products to the