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Good Speed by Edmund Leighton (Public Domain)
Dragon Head Green (CC0 Public Domain) Britain Needs You at Once (Public Domain) The Haunted House by Nicholas Cardot (CC BY 2.0) Yanks advance into a Belgian town (Public Domain) Gangster by Petri Damstén (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) Cowboy, Western United States, 1898-1905 (Public Domain) Shibuya Night (HDR) by Guwashi (CC BY 2.0) 3d rendering, anatomy by Tayeb MEZAHDIA (Pexels photo license) |
Castellano: Coincidiendo con Sant Jordi el blog cumple un año más, deseo que os regalen muchos libros 📚 y rosas 🌹 y que podáis seguir jugando a rol 🎲 unos cuantos años más.
Català: Coincidint amb Sant Jordi el blog fa un any més, desitjo que us regalin molts llibres 📚 i roses 🌹 i que pogueu seguir jugant a rol 🎲 uns quants anys més.
English: Coinciding with St. George's Day the blog turns one year more, I wish you have many books 📚 and roses 🌹 and that you can keep role-playing 🎲 some more years.